25 April 2024,   18:30
Suspension of lifetime appointment of judges in Municipal and Appellate Courts will be discussed at the Bureau Session

 The initiative of MP Eka Beselia, which implies suspension of lifetime appointment of judges in the city and appellate courts, will be discussed today at the bureau session.
The MPs should decide when the bill will be discussed in the committees.The former chairman of the legal committee hopes that the parliamentary majority will support her initiative.
"I think that the new judges, judges issued by the High School of Justice should have a chance that they would be appointed lifetime after a certain period of time," MP Davit Chichinadze said.
The Opposition also supports the suspension of judges" lifetime appointment process, but they believe that apart from moratorium, it is also necessary to set the criteria and procedures of selection.
"The lifetime of the judiciary is a guarantee of independence, but on the other hand, on the basis of today"s reality, under these people, the lifetime appointment of judges means to bury the whole idea of the independent court. That is why it is necessary to make some moratorium.Eka Beselia`s initiative was signed by 9 MPs.
"The issue deserves discussion, but it is to be defined whether it complies with the constitution," - said the deputy chairman of the Procedural issues Committee, Guram Macharashvili.