25 April 2024,   10:17
People positively supporting Church’s actions reduced to half compared to previous year

According to the research done by the National Democratic institute 14% of the interviewees state the Christian Orthodox Church completes its duties very good, 44% states just good, 23% states normal, and 6% states bad.

5% states that the Georgian Military completes its duties great, 44% - good, 35% - normal, and 6% goes for poorly, and 1% states very poorly. As for the police duties, 4% states great, 33% states good, 43% states normal, as 12% believes the police complete their responsibility poorly as 2% states very poorly.

1 % of interviewees state that the Prosecutors’ Offices’s activities are very good, 22% states good, 40% states normal, and 16% state poorly, as mentioned the results regard to how well do different places complete their responsibilities and jobs. As for the court system 1% state great, 12% state good, 40% state normal, 22% state poorly, and 5% state very poorly.  

Regarding the Parliament and how do they do their job, 0% states they do their job great, 10% states good, 49% state normal, 25% state poorly, and 6% believe very poorly. People’s Protection of Rights office has 1% of doing their work great, 22% good, 43% normal, 22% poorly, and 2% very poorly.