07 June 2024,   07:11
06-06-2024 22:20
The US Department of State has officially announced visa restrictions
06-06-2024 19:22
Our support to NGOs will not diminish, we will try to redirect some of the funds that we have been providing to the Georgian government precisely in order to increase our support to civil society - Herczyński
06-06-2024 18:46
We will consider all options, including suspending the visa-free regime, but, in my opinion, this should not happen, citizens of Georgia should not be punished - Herczyński
06-06-2024 17:38
IA, acting upon the recommendation of NEA, lifted the restriction on motorcar movement in the Devdoraki Valley
06-06-2024 17:31
We are close to World War III - Donald Trum
06-06-2024 15:54
The MEGOBARI act initiated in the US Congress is not friendly, but hostile, I would call it the DAUDZINEBELI law - Kobakhidze
06-06-2024 15:30
Kakha Kaladze meets the Mayors of Baku and Ganja
06-06-2024 15:29
Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze opens Samtredia Public Service Hall
06-06-2024 15:12
Modern Sergo Orjonikidzes go not to Moscow, but to Washington, in order to somehow harm our country, which is a treason - Kobakhidze
06-06-2024 15:03
Parliamentary and non-parliamentary opposition parties and politicians send an open letter to Senator Joe Wilson
06-06-2024 14:40
Georgian-US relations need to be restarted and improved, language of blackmail doesn’t help to improve relations - Prime Minister
06-06-2024 13:30
Georgia would not be used for the interests of any other country - Kaladze
06-06-2024 13:20
Mexico man dies from first human case of bird flu strain H5N2
06-06-2024 12:58
14th Local Economic Development Forum is underway in Tbilisi
06-06-2024 12:10
National team of Georgia under 21 will play a friendly match against the youth national team of Kazakhstan
06-06-2024 12:05
Putin warns Russia could provide weapons to strike West
06-06-2024 11:05
The election administration publishes a statement
06-06-2024 10:52
Dariali border checkpoint employees in the north evacuated due to rising river level - MIA
06-06-2024 22:20
The US Department of State has officially announced visa restrictions
06-06-2024 19:22
Our support to NGOs will not diminish, we will try to redirect some of the funds that we have been providing to the Georgian government precisely in order to increase our support to civil society - Herczyński
06-06-2024 18:46
We will consider all options, including suspending the visa-free regime, but, in my opinion, this should not happen, citizens of Georgia should not be punished - Herczyński
06-06-2024 17:38
IA, acting upon the recommendation of NEA, lifted the restriction on motorcar movement in the Devdoraki Valley
06-06-2024 17:31
We are close to World War III - Donald Trum
06-06-2024 15:54
The MEGOBARI act initiated in the US Congress is not friendly, but hostile, I would call it the DAUDZINEBELI law - Kobakhidze
06-06-2024 15:30
Kakha Kaladze meets the Mayors of Baku and Ganja
06-06-2024 15:29
Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze opens Samtredia Public Service Hall
06-06-2024 15:12
Modern Sergo Orjonikidzes go not to Moscow, but to Washington, in order to somehow harm our country, which is a treason - Kobakhidze
06-06-2024 15:03
Parliamentary and non-parliamentary opposition parties and politicians send an open letter to Senator Joe Wilson
06-06-2024 14:40
Georgian-US relations need to be restarted and improved, language of blackmail doesn’t help to improve relations - Prime Minister
06-06-2024 13:30
Georgia would not be used for the interests of any other country - Kaladze
06-06-2024 13:20
Mexico man dies from first human case of bird flu strain H5N2
06-06-2024 12:58
14th Local Economic Development Forum is underway in Tbilisi
06-06-2024 12:10
National team of Georgia under 21 will play a friendly match against the youth national team of Kazakhstan
06-06-2024 12:05
Putin warns Russia could provide weapons to strike West
06-06-2024 11:05
The election administration publishes a statement
06-06-2024 10:52
Dariali border checkpoint employees in the north evacuated due to rising river level - MIA
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Prime House • 06 June 2024 • 3
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