13 June 2024,   18:05
Registration of first graders starts from today

Registration of first graders starts from today. The Ministry of Education set specific deadlines for the registration of first-graders. The registration process is divided into four stages.

Phase I - During the first stage of registration, from March 6 to March 20, children with special educational needs will be registered.

Parents of children involved in Stage I must apply to the preferred public school. The school administration will register the child in the Education Management Information System (EMIS). In order to confirm the special educational need, the parent fills in the relevant application form at school, after which the child is assessed by the multidisciplinary team and their educational need is determined. In case of confirmation of the special educational need, the school ensures the enrolment of the student on the basis of relevant documentation. The period for submitting documents for registered children is March 21 to April 26.

A child with educational needs may be considered by the following: a) physical disability; B) Disorder of intellectual development; C) impaired learning ability; D) sensory developmental disorders (hearing and/or sight); E) speech development disorder; F) behavioural and emotional disorders; G) the need for long-term hospitalization h) difficulties in learning caused by social factors I) with an autism spectrum.

Parents of children who do not have special educational needs will be able to register their children at a later stage.

Phase II of registration will be available from May 1, to May 16 for children who:

A) Have a sibling who also studies in the same school;
B) The parent / guardian / caregiver is an employee of that public school;
C) Two or more children from the family enter the first grade at the same time.

At this stage, registration is done by submitting the necessary documentation for enrolment to public schools by a parent/legal guardian. Registration is fully provided by the public school.

Phase III - Universal Registration – starts on May 20 and last until June 13.

Registration will be done on the official website of the Education Management Information System -registration.emis.ge. Registration is provided by a parent/ legal guardian. To enrol a student electronically, the documents must be submitted electronically from June 14 to June 25. In case of non-submission of documentation within the set deadlines, registration will be automatically cancelled.

Phase IV - will be implemented from June 27 to July 12. Students who have not registered in stages I, II and III, or who wish to change their registration, will be registered for the vacancies or vacated spots at this stage.

The registration of the student in the fourth stage is provided by the public school on the basis of the necessary documentation submitted by the parent/legal guardian.