17 May 2024,   11:37
"Rustavi 2" case has no connection with justice and has never had at any stage" - Dmitry Sadzaglishvili

Rustavi 2 lawyer, Dmitry Sadzaglishvili suggests that the Supreme Court`s Grand Chamber dismissed the motions of both sides on the recusal of the judges in Rustavi 2case.

According to him, the deadline of the Grand Chamber to make a decision is unknown.

"The only deadline provided by the Procedural Code is a 6-month period, which has been violated in the case; otherwise no timeframes or deadline regarding the procedures is not defined by the legislation, "- said Dmitry Sadzaglishvili.

According to him, due to the fact that there is no oral hearing, the , judges may continue to consider the case in non-working hours.

Dmitry Sadzaglishvili says that Rustavi 2 cassation appeal would have been satisfied had it been an ordinary dispute.

"Rustavi 2" case has no connection with justice and has never had at any stage It is difficult, of course, to exclude an illegal decisions," - said Dmitry Sadzaglishvili.

He hopes that the Rustavi 2 will not have to appeal the decision in Strasbourg Court.