14 December 2024,   22:37
Exclusive - property registered on Soso Gogashvili`s sisters -in-law

The property registered on Khatuna Martkoplishvili, a sister -in -law of Ioseb Gogashvili, deputy head of the State Security Service in August, 2016:

105 thousand sq.m. plot of land in the village of Machkhaani, Dedoplistskaro district;
350 thousand sq.m.- in the village of Bodbiskhevi in Sighnaghi district;

7 plots of land with the total area of 1 million. 300 000 sq.m in Shiraki.

Apartment on Tsagareli Street in Tbilisi.

During the course of journalistic investigation, P.S. has found out that Khatuna Martkoplishvili, is unemployed, has no house and is living in a rented room on Dobrolubov Street in Tbilisi.

Soso Gogashvili`s father-in-law, Khatuna Martkoplishvili`s father, told P.S. that his daughter has no income and she earns her living as a seamstress; the same says the owner of the house where Martkoplishvili lives.

Maka Mosiashvili, a journalist of the newspaper Cronicle Plus in Khaketi claims that the property belongs to Soso Gogashvili, the deputy head of the State Security Service and is fictitiously registered in his sister-in-law`s name.

"This is land is owned by Soso Gogashvili, everybody in Dedoplistskaro knows that the land belongs to Soso Gogashvili. What is price of the land - if we compare the price of land in Telavi and land in Shiraki, we have a sharp difference in market price - one sq.m of agricultural land is worth ten gel in Telavi, and 15 times or 18 times more in Shiraki, "- said Maka Mosiashvili to Rustavi-2.

The program P.S. during the journalistic investigation found out that Ioseb Gogashvili owns a 3-storey house in Tbilisi, which has not been indicated in the declaration. The house is located in the artists` district and according to official documents Gogashvili bought it with a bank credit last year, but it is clear that earlier this house was registered in the name of another sister-in-law, Nino Martkoplishvili, sister.

Soso Gogashvili did not comment on this issue to the Post Script.

The opposition claims that the origin of the property owned by the family of the deputy head of the State Security Service is suspicious since 2013 Soso Gogashvili`s family was in the base of socially vulnerable citizens" and was receiving assistance from the state.