12 December 2024,   16:51
Parliamentary minority and majority plan to meet with Venice Commission members in Strasbourg

The leaders of the European Georga will inform the Venice Commission members about the constitutional amendments. Representatives of the party are in Strasbourg and are plannng to meet with members of the commission.

According to Giorgi Kandelaki, they will inform the European experts about their opinion on the option offered by the ruling team, which is undemocratic.

The parliamentary majority also wants to meet with members of the Venice Commission.

According to MP Eka Beselia, head of delegation of parliamentary majority Tamar Chugoshvili plans to meet with experts of the Venice Commission in Strasbourg.

"We will talk about constitutional reforms, systematic reforms and innovations that are planned and will hold quite a lot of meetings with delegations of different countries, for this very purpose, to provide them with information about the latest political news from the first source," Eka Beselia said. .