22 December 2024,   10:28
Scandal at the Ministry of Health -correspondence of Minister of Health and the US Embassy on Lugar Laboratory turned out to be in Russia

The government is involved in another international scandal - correspondence between the health minister and the US embassy in regarding the Richard Lugar Laboratory in Tbilisi, turned out to be in Moscow.

The occupant country used minister Sergeenko1s letters as a propaganda tool.

"The alert and the novelty is that these conspiracies are based on the documents and letters that have been leaked from the Ministry of Health and this is not just an official document. This is personal electronic correspondence between the minister and other persons," said the researcher of Media Development Foundation Sophie Gelava.

As Gelava states, besides the private correspondence from the Ministry, the closed letters sent by the US have also been leaked.
separately taken conspiracy and are not connected with the myth on the Lugar laboratory, but it is a problem if there iis leakage of the documentation of such significancefrom the Ministry of Health.It is to be investigated and the Ministry should take action, "- Sopho Gelava, the researcher of the Media Development Foundation, said.

No comment was made on the issue of leaking of documents in the Ministry of Health.