11 March 2025,   11:01
Slovenian Prime Minister Sarec resigns

Slovenian Prime Minister Marjan Sarec said he would send his resignation to the National Assembly on Monday and called for an early election, because his minority government did not have the influence to push through important legislation.

“There is nothing I can do with this government. Therefore, it is fair to hold an early election… The most honest thing we can do is to go to the polls, where people can tell us whether they want us to continue or not”, - he said, following internal conflicts in the five-member coalition. 

Slovenian President Borut Pahor is now set to start talks with parliamentary parties to see if any of them can form a new coalition with a majority.

Sarec, a former comedian, said he had already spoken with the president of his center-left Modern Center Party about the possibility of running together in early elections.