Acting Head of the Georgian National Tourism Administration, responded to Transparency International Georgia study, which had noted acceleration in the rate of visitors to Georgia from Russia in 2022, by saying the number of Russian citizens among visitors dropped by 52% compared to the same period in 2019.
“The 408,000 tourist visits from Russia, in the first quarter of 2022, had only marked 48% recovery from the pre-pandemic range and noted that Georgia had 67 and 80% recoveries, which had exceeded the figures of 2019, from Saudi Arabia, Israel and Kazakhstan.
Georgia actively continued marketing campaigns on target markets. Some positive results had already been visible, the target countries included Germany, Poland, Saudi Arabia and Israel, among others.
The target has been to recover the figures of pre-pandemic 2019, after which the country would focus on increasing the number of international travellers”, - explained Medea Janiashvili.