06 October 2024,   19:51
Moldova will also apply to the Ukrainian law on de-oligarchization with minor modifications - Kobakhidze

An oligarch is an oligarch in every country; if someone is considered an oligarch in Ukraine, the same should be true in Georgia. Such a statement made today the Chairman of the Georgian Dream.

“We have received information from sources and officials that Moldova will also apply to the Ukrainian law on de-oligarchization with minor modifications.

Ukrainian law has no context and, naturally, is not adapted to the Georgian context. As a result, it fulfils the objective criteria. It is not tailored to either our or the opposition’s interests. In such cases, we believe it is reasonable to follow Ukrainian law.

Of course, minor changes are required, but in general, Ukrainian law includes the concept of oligarchy and measures aimed at de-oligarchization.

The opposition’s problem is that they saw they have oligarchs on their side.

One of the high-profile cases concerns David Kezerashvili, who recently admitted that he finances political parties, the media and the so-called non-governmental organizations. The only people who will be harmed by this law are those on the opposition side. These are true oligarchs attempting to gain power in Georgia. Therefore, the opposition is subjectively interested in the fact that the parliament does not adopt this law”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.