18 December 2024,   20:14
UNM to present its version of the deoligarchization project to the Parliament

The United National Movement faction presented its version of the project on de-oligarchization to the Parliament. “Against oligarchic rule” - this is the name of the legislative package, which will be initiated at the meeting of the Bureau on November 21.

According to the project proposed by the UNM, an oligarch is a person who meets at least 3 of the following conditions:

a) directly or indirectly carries out political activities;
b) members of his/her family or related persons, persons employed in legal entities owned by him/her hold state-political, political or state positions;
c) directly or indirectly (including through an organization under his/her influence) exerts a significant influence on the means of media services;
d) represents the final beneficial owner of the subject of entrepreneurial activity, which at the time of the entry into force of this law is a subject of natural monopolies or occupies a dominant (monopoly) position in the market in accordance with the legislation on competition;
e) the proven assets of a person or the owner of a business entity exceed 0.35% of the country’s gross domestic product, or s/he, his/her family members and related persons own more than 7% of Georgia’s land resources.
f) s/he sanctioned by a member state of the NATO and the EU, or the union of these states or international organizations.