13 March 2025,   06:22
Georgia ranked 8th among more than 80 countries as one of the most open economies in the world in terms of attracting investments – Kobakhidze

Georgia ranked 8th among more than 80 countries as one of the most open economies in the world in terms of attracting investments, said the Prime Minister of Georgia at the United Nations General Assembly. “Georgia’s effective performance is duly reflected in international rankings from the world’s most reputable agencies:

The Global Competitiveness Survey by the World Economic Forum ranks Georgia 20th in the world and 11th in Europe in terms of Corruption Control; while in terms of Rule of Law, Georgia ranks 29th in the world and 14th in Europe;

The International Budget Partnership’s Open Budget Survey ranks Georgia as Number One in terms of Budget Transparency globally;

Transparency in the Time of War by the European Research Centre for Anti-Corruption and State-Building placed Georgia 17th in its 2023 ranking, ahead of 15 EU member states and four G7 states;

Additionally, Georgia is the 25th freest economy in the world according to Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World report, once again ahead of many leading economies;

The Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom ranks Georgia 19th in Europe and 32nd globally, once again ahead of many EU countries;

According to the OECD FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index, Georgia ranked 8th among more than 80 countries as one of the most open economies in the world in terms of attracting investments. That’s the reason why Georgia’s FDI-to-GDP ratio is one of the highest among peer countries. FDI in 2023 amounted to 1.9 billion USD, representing 6.2% of GDP. In the post-pandemic period until now, Georgia has attracted 6.2 billion USD in FDI, further supplementing Georgia"s transformation into a regional multi-functional hub that serves all things business. Even though we hosted more than seven million tourists last year, showing a strong bounce back in post-COVID recovery, Georgia still maintains one of the lowest crime rates globally. According to Numbeo, Georgia ranks 8th in Europe and 21st globally, thanks to our law enforcement agencies and professionals.

Despite the fact that 20% of our territories are under illegal occupation, we continue to thrive, continue to grow, and continue to make sure that our children live in a better, stronger, and more dignified Georgia. We are diligent and tireless in our quest to make sure Georgia is a country that every citizen is proud of”, - said Irakli Kobakhhidze.