09 October 2024,   14:25
You don’t accept it if someone rejects your rainbow propaganda, respect Georgia’s ability to pass own laws - MEP from Germany

Respect international law, respect Georgia sovereignty, respect Georgia’s ability to pass its own laws, said MEP from Germany, Hans Neuhoff, during the debate on Georgia in the European Parliament.

“Colleagues from the environmental left, you’re outraged about a law from the Georgian parliament, which will protect young people and minors. Have you even read the law? There is nothing that justifies this draft resolution. You are scared of democracy in Georgia, you’re not worried about it. You don’t accept it if someone rejects your rainbow propaganda and says that the two-gender system is the basis of families. You’re all about nature restoration laws. You celebrate infertility is something good. But our birth rate is at a historic low in Europe. Environmental left, respect international law, respect Georgia sovereignty, respect Georgia’s ability to pass its own laws. Stop going on about green things and go back to reality”, - said Hans Neuhoff.