The Regional Policy and Self-Government Committee convenes regular working meetings. Today’s meeting, attended by Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure Mzia Giorgobiani, focused on the self-governance and decentralization aspects of regional policy.
As noted, the Committee, in view of enhancing the interests of the municipalities, is committed to cooperating with the Ministry for the development of the respective legal amendments.
“One of the key milestones of the state policy is the enhancement of self-governance. During a recent meeting with the Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure, we engaged in a comprehensive discussion on the decentralization policy. It is noteworthy that the initial phase of the decentralization strategy is being implemented during the current year, and we aspire to prepare for the subsequent stage. Regarding the decentralization process, the fundamental parameters have been attained, albeit certain challenges persist based on sound reasoning”, - said Chair of the Committee, Irakli Kadagishvili.
At the working meeting, the Deputy Minister overviewed the vision of the Ministry and the activities that are related to the decentralization strategy and the enhancement of the municipalities: “At the meeting, I introduced the ongoing activities under the aegis of the Ministry that encompass the infrastructural projects and the regional development policy. We touched upon the decentralization strategy, the improvements in the mountainous regions and the activities scheduled for the current year by the Ministry”.