23 December 2024,   01:58
Car crash that killed 21-year-old man- was this crime the result of law enforcers` action

The accident that occurred at Gori tunnel on May 16-17 and killed a 21-year-old son of Irakli Khakhubia, a majoritarian MP of Poti, raises many questions.

Zviad Kuprava, head of the Law Enforcement Reform Center, says that Bekha Khakhubia was chased by a patrol crew from Gori. The driver refused to obey the demand of police and stop the car, but after he realized that law enforcement officers did not stop persecution, he turned around in the center of Khashuri and started to move back to Tbilisi. Zviad Kuprava claims that patrol police blocked the tunnel in Gori with a trailer to stop the driver , thus exceeding their authority and violating the law. He thinks that the fact that the case iwas passed over to the Prosecutor`s Office, indicates that the crime was committed by the patrol police.

The MIA does not say which collision caused the death of a 21-year-old man. The Ministry only states that the prosecution is carried out under Article 276 of the Criminal Code, which implies a breach of traffic or safety rules that led to the loss of human life.