21 December 2024,   19:49
Former police officer, at whose apartment Saakashvili was detained, speaks about threat of liquidation

Former policeman , at whose apartment Saakashvili was detained, speaks about threat of liquidation. Yuri Pakinboroda writes about it on his Facebook page. He says that he has revelaled Saakashvili`s wherabouts and will conduct his own investigation to find out the truth.

Pakinboroda suggests that he will be either killed or imprisoned because of the incident.

"Mikheil Saakashvili was arrested in my apartment today. Everything happened today, on the one hand it was expected and at the same time unexpected.

It was expectedbecause as a police officer, I understand that Ukraine"s special services and special services that are fighting against Ukraine, that is Russia.are working against us.

According to the law, I should be taken to the isolator, but I was not detained by them. I suppose they want me to be a traitor and make me guilty for the arrest of Saakashvili.

I will carry out my own investigation. If anything happens to me in the next few days, it means that I went in the right direction, "said Yuri Pakinboroda.