22 December 2024,   05:24
37% of respondents are unemployed - NDI

According to the NDI survey, 21 percent of NDI respondents say that their family"s income last month was 301-500 GEL . 501-800 GEL was one-month income of 15 percent of interviewees. 11% say that their income per last month was up to 180 GEL.

37% of respondents say they are unemployed.

The results of the NDI survey were evaluated by the director of Georgian Office of the US National Democratic Institute (NDI).

"This survey was conducted after the local election. The main finding is that most of the citizens evaluate the electoral process as safe. According to them, there was no intimidation. but it should be noted that 30% do not trust the counting votes, "said Laura Thornton, Director of the US National Democratic Institute (NDI) office in Georgia.