26 April 2024,   10:54
415 complaints within a year - report of independent inspector at judges" conference

The 24th Conference of Judges is over. Secretary of the High Council of Justice Giorgi Mikautadze delivered a speech at today"s conference.
The conference participants also listened to the one-year work report of independent inspector Ketevan Tsintsadze.
According to the report, the agency 415 complaints were submitted to the Council of Justice.
"415 complaints were filed in the Chancellery of the Inspectorate as of November 20, 2018. This includes 131 complaints in 2017 and 284 complaints in 2018, based on which the disciplinary proceedings have been started and relevant conclusions have been prepared on 89% of these complaints, "- Ketevan Tsintsadze said.
Today, the judges elected the chairman of the Independent Council of the High School of Justice of Georgia. Giorgi Tkavadze took the position. The function of High School of Justice is to prepare judges for courts.