In 2016 the Georgian Dream initiated a policy of tightening belts. Because of this policy, many people working in the civil service remained without employment. As it turns out, reduction of luxury items for the officials at the expense of the state budget is not included in the belt tightening policy.
For example, a total of 532 762 GEL was spent on the 7 most expensive models of cars for the Constitutional Court of Georgia. According to the press spokesperson, with this purchase the court economized because old cars constantly needed repair works.
The money spent on the luxury of the government was calculated by the National Movement. According to the information, in the first three months of 2017, 129 million lari was spent on the comfort of the Georgian Dream.
Such a huge amount of money was taken by the ruling team to demonstrate Georgia`s hospitality, to buy sofas or office furniture, as well as cars and fuel.