04 May 2024,   03:49
Despite refusal of "UNM", second round of Mayoral elections will be held in Kutaisi and Martvili

Despite the refusal to participate in the second round of Mayor`s election by the "National Movement", the next round of elections will be held in Kutaisi and Martvili.

According to the election legislation, candidates of "National Movement" who are in second place will be present in ballot papers.

"According to the legislation, the candidates who have two best results participate in the second round. If any candidate refuses to participate in the elections, the data will still be in the bulletin, "- said Ana Mikeladze.

The UNM Political Council refused to take part in the second round after a five-hour tense session. Party leaders had different opinions.

"I think this is the right decision that the National Movement decided not to take part in the second round," said Nicki Melia.