19 January 2025,   01:35
The interests of regressive forces - NGOs on the bill on insulting religious feelings

The draft law, according to which the offense of religious feelings could be punishable, has resulted in a negative reaction from NGOs.

In their opinion, it is impossible to draw the line between freedom of expression and the insult of religious feelings.

As the NGOs state , according to the Criminal Code, the destruction and damage of buildings is already punishable, accordingly, it is unclear for the civil sector what new regulations should be introduced.

"Such vague attempts to impose criminal sanctions or any sanctions are in the interests of regressive forces only. It fits into Russian propaganda messages. It is unfortunate that the members of the ruling party in Georgia often reflect such pro-Russian sentiments, especially the members of the Human Rights Committee, "said Mikhail Benidze, executive director of the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy.

The Parliament has already started working on the legislative initiative of the member of the Georgian Patriots Emzar Kvitsiani and the Human Rights Committee supported the principles presented in the draft.