02 May 2024,   14:18
The European Commission condemned Putin’s statement that Poland was cooperating with Nazi Germany

The European Commission said that it would not accept the distortion of historic facts, after Russia implied Poland was partly accountable for starting World War II. The Commission further noted that it would challenge disinformation wherever it occurred.

Last month Vladimir Putin anticipated that Poland shared responsibility for the war, because it conspired in Nazi German plans to dismember Czechoslovakia in 1938. The speaker of the Russian parliament insisted Poland to apologize for obliquely instigating the war.

“Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts. The Commission’s role here is to talk about facts”, - EU Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova said.

“The European Commission fully rejects any false claims that attempt to distort the history of the Second World War or paint the victims, like Poland, as perpetrators. It was the pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, signed by foreign ministers Joachim von Ribbentrop representing Nazi Germany, and Vyacheslav Molotov of USSR, on August 23, 1939, that contributed the most, ultimately leading to world war. This version of the build-up to the Second World War is the most reliable account and consistently backed by prominent Historians”, - concluded Vera Jourova.