27 July 2024,   03:35
Municipality will restore Laguna Vere and it will serve Tbilisi with new standards - Kakha Kaladze

Municipality will restore Laguna Vere and it will serve Tbilisi with new standards. Such a statement made today the Mayor of the capital.

“I would like to once again provide information to the public regarding the development and landscaping of the Laguna Vere area and the surrounding area. I understand the reaction of the politically biased community to the project, and the reason for that is clear to everyone, but the fact is that the development of this area is crucial for the city. It will be a very good project, and the capital will have a new centre of attraction.

First of all, it should be noted that all of the infrastructure of Laguna Vere will be preserved; moreover, the territory will be handed over to the city. I would like to thank Bidzina Ivanishvili, Charity Foundation Cartu for this decision. We will organize this space and together with the population we will determine how the process should go. We will invite architects, designers and the public will be involved in the process.

We will report on the City Hall’s plans for the site in more detail at a later date. With regards to the rest of the territory there is an old silk factory building, which although is not a cultural heritage monument, but still creates a peculiar historical image of Tbilisi. Accordingly, this factor was taken into account in the planning and the building will not only be preserved, but integrated into the planned development. It is also important to organize the nearby territory in terms of traffic. You know that there are petrol stations and car service stations here, so we are working on organising this space, as well as pedestrian and underground spaces.

There have been several options, architects have been involved in the process and finally the best option has been developed. As for the architecture, the work to further improve the design and get the best possible development is still ongoing. The relevant services of Tbilisi City Hall are still working on other details”, - said Kakha Kaladze.