27 July 2024,   04:46
Two employees of militia department arrested for murder of Temur Karbaia in occupied Gali

A criminal case was initiated against 3 employees of the militia department, 2 of them were arrested, on the fact of the murder of Georgian citizen, Temur Karbaia.

According to the so-called prosecutor’s office of occupied region, the case against Albert Zarakua, Vianor Abshilava and David Kvekveskiri has been initiated under 2 articles - on charges of group intentional infliction of severe bodily harm and abuse of official authority using violence.

“On December 6, 2023, D. Kvekveskiri brought drunken T. Karbaia to the so-called police station of Gali, where he conducted an illegal search without witnesses.

At the end of the search, Karbaia started using obscene words towards Kvekveskiri, as a result of which Kvekveskiri hit him. At the same time, Zarakua and Abshilava entered the department, who, together with Kvekveskiri, used physical violence against Karbaia by hitting different parts of his body with, as a result of which Karbaia received injuries in the heart and chest, four ribs were broken, and he had bruises on the upper and lower eyelids of the right eye.

After the beating, Karbaia was taken to a temporary detention center without legal grounds, from which he was released on December 7.

Before that, the so-called Interior Ministry of occupied Abkhazia announced that Karbaia died on December 9 in the Sokhumi hospital, where he was transferred from Gali the day before due to deterioration of his health.

On February 10, Zarakua and Abshilava. Suspect Kvekveskiri did not show up, his whereabouts are unknown”, - reads the statement of the so-called prosecutor’s office.