27 July 2024,   03:55
Putin vows to boost Russian special forces’ ability to strike

President Vladimir Putin promised to increase the mobility and striking potential of Russia’s special operations forces, saying this is a key priority to make the country"s army stronger, writes Reuters.

“We will continue to strengthen the Special Operations Forces, increase their mobility and striking potential, and arm them with new-generation weapons and equipment”, Putin said in a congratulatory video message issued ahead of the Feb. 27 Special Operations Forces Day in Russia. “Let me emphasize that this is one of the key priorities for the long-term development of the army and navy”.

“Special words of gratitude to the soldiers who have participated in the special military operation”, - Putin said in the video posted on the Kremlin’s Telegram messaging app.

“In the most dangerous areas - on the front line, deep behind enemy lines, in raids and rapid attacks you carry out your assigned tasks with honour, act boldly, competently, and decisively”.