03 July 2024,   20:28
Special Investigation Service conducts juvenile awareness-raising meetings in schools

The Special Investigation Service with the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Georgia held informational meetings with schoolchildren in 35 schools to raise awareness about the protection of minors’ private lives.

The purpose of the meetings is to eliminate the facts of the disclosure of secrets of the personal life of schoolchildren, to protect and warn them from crime as recently there have been frequent cases of blackmail and coercion of minors with personal photos and videos on social networks, distribution of materials to closed groups and different individuals, with serious consequences.

The protection of secrets of personal life is a major challenge in the increasing technological development period. Juveniles face this challenge in particular. They often unconsciously become both victims and offenders of this crime.

These crimes are punishable by the Criminal Code of Georgia and are investigated by the Special Investigation Service.

The investigators provided the schoolchildren with detailed information about the massively spread crimes of disclosure of secrets of the personal life, what the right to privacy, how and in what form privacy is violated, what the protection mechanisms, what steps are taken by the state, and what minors should know about this crime.

Informational meetings were led by investigators of the Special Investigation Service and specially trained Resource Officers to discuss issues of bullying and cyberbullying. It is common for minors to become victims of bullying through digital technologies - social media, chatting, game platforms, and mobile phones. The hate speech and discrimination were also discussed in detail.

The Special Investigation Service strengthens cooperation with the Education, Science and Youth of Georgia of Georgia and actively continues to prevent disclosure of personal life and raise awareness of juveniles.

The service promptly responds to all cases with full protection of confidentiality. Information about these crimes can also be reported through the hotline - 199.

The information campaign has been implemented for a month and covers all regions of Georgia.