27 July 2024,   07:34
Ukraine simply cannot wait, it needs air defences, ammunition and aid, now – Stoltenberg

Ukraine simply cannot wait, it needs air defences, ammunition and aid, now. Such a statement made the NATO Secretary General.

“Today in our meeting we discussed Ukraine and the urgent need for more support, and reliable and predictable support for Ukraine, because the situation on the battlefield is difficult. Delays in funding are having direct consequences on the ground every day. Delays in delivery of air defences will allow Russian missiles to hit more targets, and delays in delivery of ammunition will allow Russia to press along the frontline.

Ukraine simply cannot wait. It needs air defences, ammunition and aid. Now.

Against all odds, the Ukrainians have already achieved so much. They can prevail, but they need our support.

NATO is actively working to ensure reliable and predictable security assistance to Ukraine now and for the long haul, so that Ukraine relies less on the voluntary contributions and more on NATO commitments. Less on short term offers on more on multiyear pledges. Moscow needs to understand that they cannot wait those out and, therefore, a package for Ukraine with predictable robust support is what we are working on now in NATO…

And from my visit to Kyiv last week on Wednesday, I think the message was very clear to all of our Allies, including the United States, is that Ukraine needs ammunition. It needs weapons, and it needs vehicles and it needs them now. So there’s a short term need of help and that"s why I have also called upon the US Congress to release the USD 60 billion because that is part of the package”, - said Jens Stoltenberg.