27 July 2024,   04:38
Police arrested 1 person as a result of immediate activities for inflicting body injuries on purpose

The employees of Gldani - Nadzaladevi police main division of Tbilisi Police Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as a result immediate operative-search measures and investigative actions, detained previously convicted G.M (DoB 1991) for inflicting body injury on purpose.

The committed crime envisions up to 6 years of imprisonment.

The investigation established that in Nadzaladevi district of Tbilisi, the accused person, as a result of the conflict, inflicted body injuries with a blunt object to M.Ch. (DoB 1990), T.B. (DoB 1987) S.Tch. (DoB 1986) and O.K. (DoB 1992) and fled from the scene. One of the injured person received medical assistance on the spot, and three people were taken to the hospital.

Law enforcement officers arrested G.M. as an accused person.

The police seized the weapon of crime as evidence.

The investigation is being conducted under Articles 117 and 120 of the Criminal Code of Georgia.