27 July 2024,   03:32
One person detained on the fact of manufacturing and selling forged official documents

As a result of operative-searching and investigative activities, representatives of Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, detained one person on the fact of manufacturing and selling forged official documents.

Investigation determined that the accused person, in order to receive illegal material benefits, was manufacturing forged documents for people interested leaving for abroad. Using mentioned document person could seek asylum relatively easily as victims of political discrimination and violence.

It was determined that the accused, in exchange for USD 500 and GEL 500, manufactured forged letter issued on behalf of the law enforcement agency for one such person, as if that investigation was underway due to threats made against the person. As well as, the accused manufactured a forged certificate issued by one of the organizations, claiming victimization due to political discrimination and violence. Additionally, for more credibility, form №100 issued on behalf of the medical institution, which stated that the citizen had suffered physical injuries, was forged.

As a result of investigative activities, computer equipment used for manufacturing forged documents and seals of various organizations were seized.

Investigation is underway under the second part of Article 362 of the Criminal Code of Georgia, which envisages imprisonment from 3 to 6 years.