27 July 2024,   03:41
Criminal prosecution was initiated against 2 persons on the facts of fraudulent misappropriation of large amount of money belonging to the state

As a result of operative-searching and investigative activities carried out by the representatives of Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance of Georgia, criminal prosecution was initiated against two persons on the facts of fraudulent misappropriation of large amount of money belonging to the state by manufacturing and using forged settlement and official documents, as well as for causing large amount of property damage by deceit, by prior agreement as a group.

Investigation determined that the accused persons won the electronic tender announced by the state by using the company owned by them, after which, by manufacturing forged acts presenting as if the works were performed, they fraudulently took possession of the amount belonging to the state – GEL 12 368.

In addition to the mentioned, the accused persons, in order to receive illegal material benefits, on behalf of four companies under their management, in prior agreement, issued forged tax invoices having value of GEL 1 303 593, as if the mentioned services were performed, thus created forged VAT assets equal to GEL 198 853, which were later used to reduce current tax liabilities.

Appropriate procedures are being carried out in order to compensate the damage caused to the state.

Investigation is being continued under the Articles, 210, 362, 180 and 185 of the Criminal Code of Georgia, which envisages imprisonment from 6 to 9 years.