09 October 2024,   14:16
Georgians don’t want to take orders from Moscow, or advice from Brussels – MEP from France

You will understand that this resolution has the aim of exerting influence on Georgian elections, said the MEP from France, Thierry Mariani, during the European Parliament debate on Georgia.

“Does what I say is not what I do. That’s the attitude of the European parliament in Georgia’s elections on the 26th of October. Before an important ballot, the vote on such a resolution is an alibi way to support agitators and NGOs supported by foreign interests to destabilize democracy in Georgia.

Once again, it’s clear that the EU applies a double standard. Because, clearly, by delivering us to this dangerous game, it is becoming a spokesperson for foreign agents, such as the open society that want to disrupt the Caucasus. In case of a victory of the Georgian Dream, some hope to reverse the result, which may lead to a new Maidan. You will understand that this resolution has the aim of exerting influence on Georgian elections. This is a dangerous process because it gives us the image of a moralizer, which has colonialist echoes. Georgians don’t want to take orders from Moscow, or advice from Brussels. I do think that this pressure will end up with a blackmail. On the 26th of October, the Georgians alone will choose their future. We don’t need to give them lessons. This brave population will choose its destiny alone”, - said Thierry Mariani.