16 January 2025,   17:03
Suit against Sopho Kiladze - Chairwoman of the committee accused by employee of discrimination

The suit against the chairperson of the Human Rights Committee of the Parliament - Sopho Kiladze is accused of discriminating the staff member of her office.

The process is scheduled for Monday and Elga Poladashvili is already waiting for the decision.

Elga Poladashvili says that the chairperson of the Human Rights Committee asked her to leave the office. The official reason is the absence of a diploma of lawyer, but the employee says that Sophie Kiladze plans to bring her relatives for the job.

"I was told that this is my committee and I take decisions here. My answer was very simple, that this is not her committee, it is the parliamentary committee. After that, i she said that if I resign myself,I would be subject to disciplinary action. When asked how she would do this, she told me that you are not a lawyer and I will give you the task that only a lawyer can fulfill, "said Elga Poladashvili, an employee of the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee.

The Young Lawyers Association defends the interests of the employee

According to Nona Kurdovadze, Coordinator of the Legal Aid Center of NGO, they demand to establish discrimination.