27 July 2024,   03:30
Person detained on murder of General Kutateladze is expected to be charged today

Giorgi Chanturia, accused of the murder of General Samson Kutateladze, will be charged today. The former prosecutor was detained on charges of illegal purchase and keeping of ammunition but not murder.

Chanturia"s family claims that the police requested the former prosecutor to confess in General Kutateladze"s murder and have put pressure on him for several hours. In the preliminary detention isolator, Chanturia stayed until late night. His lawyers claim that Chanturia"s guilt is not revealed according to the existing materials.

From the house of the detainee"s father, where the search was conducted, the law enforcers seized 9 cartridges of Makarov-type weapon.

In parallel, the search was conducted in Tbilisi, in Mtskheta Street in the factual house of Giorgi Chanturia, though the police did not find an illegal item or substance.