27 April 2024,   10:41
Sexual harassment at the King Erekle Bath – the statement of the Ombudsman

On February 27, 2020, the Public Defender of Georgia made a recommendation to the Colorful Bath Ltd with regard to sexual harassment.

The recommendation was based on the application of a Spanish citizen alleging sexual harassment at the King Erekle Bath (owned by the Colorful Bath Ltd).

After studying the case materials, the Ombudsman concluded that the female applicant was subjected to undesired, sexually abusive behavior by a male bathhouse attendant in the King Erekle Bath, who used his professional position to create humiliating and abusive environment for the woman.

Accordingly, the Public Defender of Georgia made a recommendation to the Colorful Bath Ltd to develop rules of provision of services in its service facilities, including in the King Erekle Bath;

establish an internal mechanism to ensure effective and adequate response to any misconduct by employees during their professional activities; conduct training on sexual harassment for the staff of the facilities owned by the company;

in accordance with Article 5 (9) of the Organic Law of Georgia Labour Code, reflect the prohibiting provisions (including relating to sexual harassment) in its labour regulations, collective agreements and other documents, ensure their implementation and take measures to ensure the protection of the principle of equal treatment at the workplace.