A content of the declaration received by the NATO-Georgian Commission is known. The declaration was recently published.
The Declaration consists of eight paragraphs and focuses on a support of Georgia"s territorial integrity and sovereignty.
The Alliance requires Russia to withdraw troops from the occupied territories, stop borderization and militarization of territories.
In addition, the new concept of the Black Sea Security and the involvement of Georgia is under focus as well.
" NATO Heads of State and Government value Georgia’s engagement in, and contributions to, strategic discussion and mutual awareness on Black Sea security. We pledge to further develop dialogue and practical cooperation in this context, including through the SNGP. A number of new steps have already been initiated in this regard. We welcome Georgia’s offers to provide further logistical support to NATO and Allies, the start of training of Georgian Coast Guard boarding teams, the enhanced interaction between Georgia and NATO’s Standing Naval Forces, including through passage exercises and port calls, and the exchanges between Georgia’s Joint Maritime Operations Centre and the NATO Shipping Centre. Allies intend to assist Georgia in the extension of its air and maritime picture. We also look forward to Georgia’s future participation in Operation Sea Guardian," reads the declaration.
The sixth paragraph states that the Bucharest summit statement remains in force .
" Georgia reaffirms its determination to achieve NATO membership, one of its top foreign and security policy priorities, which is backed by strong public support, and is now also enshrined in its new Constitution. Allies reiterate their decision made at the 2008 Bucharest Summit that Georgia will become a member of the Alliance, with MAP as an integral part of the process; they reaffirm all elements of that decision, as well as subsequent decisions. They welcome the significant progress made since 2008. Georgia’s relationship with the Alliance contains all the practical tools to prepare for eventual membership, in particular the NATO-Georgia Commission, the Annual National Programme and the Substantial NATO-Georgia Package. Allies recognize the significant progress on reforms which Georgia has made and must continue, which are helping Georgia, an aspirant country, progress in its preparations towards membership, and which strengthen Georgia’s defence and interoperability capabilities with the Alliance. "