27 July 2024,   04:12
CEC discusses application of measures of disciplinary responsibilities towards members of DEC

The Central Election Commission is discussing the use of disciplinary measures against the DEC members of the United National Movement.
The CEC started investigation on the basis of a representative of one of the NGOs. The case concerns about 50 DEC members who did not sign the summary protocol.
According to the member of the UNM political council, Levan Bezhashvili, the members of the commission fixed their signature in the dissenting opinion and did not violate their law.
"The chairperson and deputy chairmen of the Central Commission after the facts of falsifications shown on television should have political responsibility and should leave this building today. Despite this and the unprecedented scale of this fraud, Ms. Zhvania and her "Team" decided to carry out disciplinary prosecution against members of the UNM. DEC accused them of violating the legislation by not signing the summary protocol ,whereas each of our commission members not only signed the protocol, but expressed a dissenting opinion regarding the violations, "said Levan Bezhashvili.