27 July 2024,   04:33
This is an open conflict of High Council of Justice with society - Gogichaishvili about appointment of Murtsidze as lifetime judge

Part of the Georgian Dream"s lawmakers do not agree with Levan Murusidze`s appointment . Levan Gogichaishvili says that there is an open confrontation with the society.According to the MP, soon after the opening of the spring session, the discussion will be continued on how to remove these people from the court system.
"It is a very difficult decision, it is an open conflict with the public. This is a conflict between the Council of Justice and the society. The upcoming parliamentary sessions and the political process will be dedicated to how to get rid of these people from the court, "-said Levan Gogichaishvili, the secretary of the faction Georgian Dream for" strong Georgia ".R