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Heavy footage from Gugutiantkari - people ask for help. Residents have been forced to demolish houses brick-by-brick because their private property has been occupied by Russian.
The situation is heavy on the occupation line. Residents of Gugutiantkari are looking at the gardens that were still theirs yesterday.
Residents say they are in this situation not for the first time and in 2013 their house was split with wires. Representatives of diplomatic corps were on the spot.
" My house was split by barbed wires in March of 2013 as well. There were ambassadors from 11 countries, everyone was curious, everyone was asking me what was going on, Why happens so, how can I enter my house. There is no such analogue in the world when the house was divided into two with barbed wires,"- said a resident of Gugutiantkari.
The president has not even issued a statement. Salome Zourabichvili does not appear in front of the cameras.
Until now, the only minister, Ketevan Tsikhelashvili, arrived in Gugutiantkari late evening yesterday.
According to Tsikhelashvili, at this stage, the process of borderization is suspended and the authorities will do their best to avoid tensions.