Due to the high public interest, the Ministry of Internal Affairs would like to provide the public with information regarding the increase in pension (compensation) for former law enforcement personnel.
“The Agency would like to clarify that with the submission of the Government and the authorship of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a package of legislative amendments was elaborated and submitted to the Parliament of Georgia on December 13, 2023.
The presented package of legislative amendments envisions the improvement of social guarantees for the employees dismissed from law enforcement agencies.
Following the procedures established by the legislation - after the completion of the legislative discussions, the mentioned changes will be implemented from May 1, 2024.
The maximum limit of pension (compensation) is increased for all persons receiving compensation for the first time after 2006 and instead of the current limit of 560 GEL, the new limit will amount to 1000 GEL.
In case of the death of a police officer, or death as a result of wounds received while performing official duty, in particular, during the implementation of preventive measures envisioned by the “Law on Police”, foiling violations, during detention of the offender, in the fight against crime, while maintaining public order and/or during combat operations, during the attack related to fulfilling official duties, while saving human life, health and/or property, the officer’s family will be given a one-time financial assistance in the amount of 100 thousand GEL under the acting legislation, and, in case of the policeman’s death, the amount of monthly pension for the family will be defined in the amount of 1200 GEL instead of 1000 GEL.
For the first time after 2023, the coefficients established by law for calculating pension (compensation) are increasing according to the following principle:
It will be added to the existing amount determined for pension
a) a person with a junior special rank (private-supervisor) - 5 GEL, instead of 2 GEL;
b) a person with an average special rank (junior lieutenant - captain) - 10 GEL, instead of 5 GEL;
c) a person with senior special rank (major - colonel) - 15 GEL instead of 10 GEL;
d) Person with the highest special rank (major general - colonel general) – 25 GEL instead of 15 GEL.
The amount of compensation for civil aviation employees of Georgia is increasing as well according to the same principle.
The Ministry once again points out that the draft law has already been registered and pensions will increase from May 1 of the current year.