Prime Minister of Georgia held and led an Executive Government meeting today. The Cabinet of Ministers considered 4 agenda items at the meeting.
Draft Government Decree on Measures to be Implemented on New Project of Central University Clinic Named After Academician Nikoloz Kipshidze LLC was among the discussion items.
As Irakli Garibashvili noted, it is impossible and unprofitable to reconstruct the clinic with an aim of meeting international standards. Therefore, it is planned to build a multi-profile, high-tech healthcare facility - a new republican hospital - at the premises of the old one.
“Ministry [of Health] worked a lot on this topic and thoroughly studied the financial position, as well as infrastructure of the republican hospital. It was scrutinized to what extent it meets safety norms and international requirements. Process engaged both Georgian and international experts. Five different expertise studies were carried out and relevant opinions have been drawn, clearly presenting the devastating situation at the clinic. Specialists believe that it is predominantly impossible and unprofitable to have the building reconstructed. Therefore, it is intended to dismantle the building and build a multi-profile, high-tech healthcare facility - a new republican hospital - at the premises of the existing one. It will be a new landmark complying with international standards. The Minister [of Health] personally coordinated the employment of some of its current staff at various state-owned clinics. We wish to stress that none of them will be left without jobs as every one of them are warranted to get alternative employment offers or unprecedentedly decent compensation”, - said the Prime Minister.
New, modern, state-owned clinic of international standards will be built at the premises of the Republican Hospital in Tbilisi. A multi-profile, high-tech healthcare facility will cover every main area of medical treatment.
The Ministry of Health is launching the demolition of the existing facility and procurement of blueprints for the new one. The latter will be carried out in line with the public procurement procedures of the World Bank, which will enable the international companies to get engaged in the process.
New, multi-functional, state-owned clinic - New Republican Hospital - of international standards will have over 500 beds for patients. In addition, an out-patient care facility will be arranged with an in-patient day care for over 100 beds. Cancer Hematology Centre for Children will operate within the clinic. A Central Blood Bank of modern standards will be accommodated within the facility. A pharmacy of GMP standards will be stationed in the building as well with spaces for training, healthcare library, TV-Medicine studios and other. Republican Hospital will maintain its status of a university clinic, which enables a full integration of future healthcare professionals in the activities of the facility with all the applicable infrastructure.
It is worth noting that the rights of its staff will be fully protected. Some staff have already been employed at various other state-owned clinics with the engagement of the Ministry of Health. Tailor-made compensation package has been designed for some, which will be offered to each employee of the clinic. Process will be monitored by the Labor Inspection Service.