27 July 2024,   03:52
Georgia has a new National Goals for Education –the last time document was changed in 2004

The Prime Minister of Georgia spoke today about the document on National Goals for Education. As Irakli Kobakhidze said at the Executive Government meeting, this paper is based on the patriotic and national spirit.

"Third topic is related to the document on National Goals for Education. We did talk about it at one of the Executive Government Meetings. Project proposal was already available back then. It was thoroughly discussed and public disclosure meetings were held with wide-scale engagement. Members of Parliament, government officials and subject-matter professionals as well as school teachers, pupils, parents and school principals, including those of the private sector were engaged, along with degree students.

These meetings resulted in a final draft of the document, which is based on the following values and principles: patriotism and national spirit; statehood mentality, respect towards family values; official language, history and culture of the state; ethnic diversity and cultural heritage; free, democratic and peaceful society; building of a fair and social state; sustainable development and public welfare; engagement, tolerance and justice; high civic awareness; general human, moral and ethics principles; rights, obligations and social responsibility; environmental awareness; healthy lifestyle and physical, aesthetic, socio-emotional development; analytic and creative thinking; academic knowledge and erudition; high culture of communication; digital citizenship; creativity and acceptance of novelties.

Curriculum will be improved on the grounds of this document, educational resources and school environment will be improved to result in the achievement of the pre-defined goals by schools.

I wish to once again repeat that the previous document dates back to 2004 and it has not been updated for 20 years. Thus, it was important to essentially revisit it and I thank the Ministry of Education for drafting it and for holding public disclosure meetings, resulting in the high-quality document.

We see that we have challenges in the system of education, including the global trends and rather risky and negative developments. We do not want these trends to get established in our country.

Thus, to ensure that pupils are raised with relevant values that have been conveyed to us over centuries, it is essential that general schooling be based on relevant principles in our country. Quality of youth education and understanding of values will be improved in our country. It is one of our goals and the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia will be preoccupied with it”, - said Irakli Kobakhidze.