08 January 2025,   00:45
Planned visit of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s President has been met with discontent from the opposition - UNM, Coalition for Changes, Strong Georgia have addressed a letter to Pia Kauma

Planned visit of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s President has been met with discontent from the opposition - the Coalition for Changes, Unity - United National Movement, Strong Georgia have addressed a letter to Pia Kauma.

“Madam President,

On behalf of Georgia’s democratic political forces, we express our gratitude to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and ODIHR for their unwavering commitment to ensuring free, fair, and transparent elections.

Unfortunately, the parliamentary elections held on October 26, 2024, were conducted with gross violations of constitutional and international democratic principles. The scale and intensity of falsifications undermined the legitimacy of the electoral process and public trust. As a result, the “parliament” composed solely of Georgian Dream MPs and the “president” elected by it cannot be considered legitimate and do not represent the will of the Georgian people.

In recent months, peaceful protesters in Georgia have faced illegal detentions, violence, and repression. Today, more than 50 people remain imprisoned, and hundreds are facing administrative charges.

The goal of the self-declared regime is to gain international recognition. Unfortunately, visits like yours are often used for propaganda purposes by the regime, further complicating the situation for democratic forces and civil society.

Given that the self-declared Georgian Dream’s regime has no intention of releasing political prisoners or holding new elections, the visit would only be considered meaningful if it contributes to the preparation of new elections and the release of political prisoners.

Under these circumstances, postponing the visit would be the best decision until the regime commits to holding new elections and freeing political prisoners”, - reads the letter.