03 May 2024,   00:23
Something troublesome happens , then there is attempt to package it somehow, to cover it up - Giorgi Margvelashvili on Partskhaladze`s scandal

The President of Georgia is in the State Audit Office. After face to face meeting with Lasha Tordi, he is meeting with the employees.

During the meeting Giorgi Margvelashvili also talked about the incident in El Centro. Giorgi Margvelashvili asks for response from the relevant departments regarding Partskhaladze`s scandal, Margvelashvili says that when such facts are not investigated , it hinders the devlopment of the state institutions and the general public.
" It is not the first time that I have to protect state institutions in the circumstances when, unfortunately, we are dealing with some misunderstandings. What happened a few weeks ago needs a clear and direct response, we now see unfortunately the same trend. There is some problem and then there is an attempt to package it somehow, to cover it up;, and then we see that not only specific problems remain withoit answers in the society but question marks are raised in respect to the protection of the most important constitutional state institutions.

"Today, when a few weeks have passed and there is no response besides a comic PR war, I am asking how long we should wait for answers to these issues.....

"We should not have a war using video recordings, it should be a protection of the state institution, which is the image of our country, which is responsible for our citizens and then we are responsible for the country," - said Margvelashvili.

The President of Georgia says that video materials are directed to mislead the public.

The Head of the Audit Office thanked the President of Georgia for his support.