27 July 2024,   03:23
Business Courier - July 22, 2017

Rustavi 2 first aired "Business Courier" in 2006. The program offered in-depth reporting and critical analysis of major business issues with an emphasis on current events, business development, market outlooks, and emerging opportunities.

Producers of the program were the first to see the readiness and will of Georgian society to join in the economical process, try for their own business and achieve financial independence and freedom.

"Business Courier" producers considered business in Georgia was not any more sphere only for a particular exclusive circle, it was supposed to be understood by all; energetic and talented people could profit and succeed in it. This was the main reason why business news were presented in the most comprehensive and interesting way. 

Business Courier had three main goals:


  1. to show the business environment, point on the possible changes and advise the best business strategy to the informed audience;
  2. to help viewers understand the day ahead, to explain the situation, show prospects in business, what is needed to begin own business and when to expect profit from it;
  3. to explain the economical policy of the government and its possible results; to show government current problems of the business world and suggest reforms needed to solve them.

Program featured a guest who offered perspective on economic issues, investment strategies, trends and analysis of the day`s news. 

Business Courier was a program for everyone, - viewers of different professions and ages got numerous ideas for improving their life, achieving their potential, benefiting from education and experience, earning and spending money.

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