27 July 2024,   03:24
"Today Tako Charkviani and her family have been attacked in Kutaisi by Banderlogs released from the cages" - Grigol Vashadze

"Today, Tako Charkviani and her family have been attacked and physically abused in Kutaisi by Banderlogs released from the cages, "- the United Opposition responded to the attack on Tako Charkviani and her husband in Kutaisi airport.

Grigol Vashadze made a statement at the special briefing. He described violence carried out against the publicist as an "organized campaign".
According to Grigol Vashadze, the Charkviani family was being specially awaited for in the airport. According to him, the intimidation campaign is managed by the government, police and criminals.
"On November 28 we woke up in the criminal zone where there is no political process, no more constitution, no elections are held, where criminal gangs organized by the State Security run everything," -Grigol Vashadze said.