27 July 2024,   03:55
"Many leaders of the United Opposition have already received threatening messages" - Bachuki Kardava

The attack on Bachuki Kardava -a member of the United Opposition, was verbally abused by two persons.The incident took place on Kipshidze Street, after the confrontation unknown persons disappeared from place.
"If not for the fact of the attack on Tako Charkviani"s spouse and Tako Charkviani, I would probably have been unprepared for this situation because people were obviously trying to get into conflict," - Kardava said.
Other leaders of the United Opposition have also received threatening text messages.The united opposition blames the Georgian authorities and the Minister of Internal Affairs in encouraging violence.
"Many leaders of the United Opposition have already received threatening messages and nobody can convince me that this is an accident and coincidence. The coalition and alliance between the government and the street took place and such alliances have such a continuation, "- Kardava said.