27 July 2024,   04:43
Demonstration in Batumi - Members of "Alliance of Patriots" are demanding the abolition of the Constitutional Court

Members of the Patriots Alliance are demanding the abolition of the Constitutional Court.
Members of the Patriots Alliance together with supporters held a protest rally outside the constitutional court building in Batumi.
The demonstrators protested against the decision made by the court on December 7, according to which the Constitutional Court considered the restriction of land registration for foreign nationals as unconstitutional.
"We join the rally in Tbilisi and demand that the law aimed at alienation of Georgia"s land and water to be abolished or revised. We request the cancellation of the law and the cancellation of the Constitutional Court, "said Tengiz Tavdgiridze, a member of the Alliance of Patriots of Georgia.
Until December 16, foreign citizens have the opportunity to purchase and register agricultural land.
"These lands belong to the Lord and the Georgian people and not to anyone else, "said Rostom Shervashidze.