27 July 2024,   07:45
Members of the United Opposition informed GYLA about the repressions carried out

Representatives of the United Opposition will provide information about the repressions against the opposition and their members" detention. Today such meeting was held at the Young Lawyers Association.
The UNM member Khatia Dekanoidze talked about the repressive actions carried out by the government.According to her, freedom of speech and expression was restricted in Velistsikhe, from where protesters were going to the rally in Telavi, but law enforcers did not allow them.
Tinatin Bokuchava, the secretary of the National Movement faction, sees the way out of the political crisis in negotiations.
"We are going to talk about a very violent and unhealthy background that the government has created today. We believe that the only way out of this political crisis is to sit at the negotiating table and we intend to introduce these plans to NGO representatives, "- Tinatin Bokuchava said.