08 September 2024,   03:52
"Irakli Kobakhidze"s meeting with Giorgi Mikautadze is perceived as support to the clan of the chairman" - Ana Dolidze

"Irakli Kobakhidze"s meeting with George Mikautadze is perceived as support to the clan of the chairman," - Ana Dolidze, the non-judge member of the Justice Council, said.
The non-judge members of the High Council of Justice made a special statement. According to them, the meeting of Chairman of Parliament Irakli Kobakhidze only with Giorgi Mikautadze, Secretary of the High Council of Justice, can be seen as support to the clan and it is unacceptable.
Nazi Janezashvili and Ana Dolidze responded to appointment of Levan Murusidze as a lifelong judge. Ana Dolidze and another non-judge member of the High Council of Justice, Nazi Janezashvili, held a briefing on the mentioned issue today.

"We all know that we’ve won a big fight this week, we all together prevented a serious threat facing our state, as the court clan had another attempt to seize the court. The lifetime appointment of Levan Murusidze is poor effort of the clan against our victory. For this victory, we want to thank all those who spoke up in any form. But this fight continues.

We all learned yesterday that Irakli Kobakhidze met with the Secretary of the Council, Giorgi Mikautadze. In light of the recent developments, this meeting can be perceived as expression of support to the clan by the Chairman of Parliament. So this meeting is unacceptable," said Ana Dolidze.